MoxxeeMedia . spirited communications . artful execution .
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Do you know how you rate online? Do your customers know where to find you/your contact info /your store? Do you have customers that love you and are willing to SHARE with their FRIENDS? Social media is simply a virtual microcosm of our actual world, but is being used increasingly more often to promote businesses. But there are certain strategies you want to adhere to, lest it be a huge waste of your time.
Did you know Facebook pages can have shopping carts? Did you know you can drop your entire functional website right into your fan page? or cusmize a search local properties without ever leaving Facebook? ..but wait there's more..
Did you know that PINTEREST is actually the fastest growing Social Media site on the web? Probably not. You are more likely asking what is Pinterest and how can it help my business? You dont know, because you're busy running your business, which is how it should be. But maybe you see why you need to call us! CHECK OUT OUR NEW SOCIAL MEDIA "DoneForYou" PACKAGES!
Get your Facebook marketing guide HERE for just $3.95 Ask for your FREE Social Surgeon's Online Review!
@FACEBOOK Fan pages, contests, fan gates, storefronts, viral exposure
With all the changes we've seen over the years with social media and Facebook in particular. it really can't be ignored. Large corporations that poo-pooed it are now embracing it whole-heartedly. We are still mastering the true art of converting this amazing traffic funnel to paying customers, but you have to be in it to win it and you need to follow guidelines that will get you there faster. We can help. When I hear "I need traffic on my website" I often respond with "Yes, of course we can do that, but have you ever thought about bringing the mountain Mohammed instead?"
Q: Why work harder at finding visitors for your website ... let's go find them where they are already hanging out.
A: 900 million + members frequenting facebook 2-3 times per week. Lets get in front of them, in a targeted, strategic, yet fun fashion, true to the social site it is.

+ GOOGLE Grandmaster
Google+ (a.k.a. Google Plus) is not just another social networking site it's just as much an identity service. Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" that enhances many of its online properties and metircs. It's also an authorship tool that associates and tracks web-content to its owner/author by interacting socially with Google+'s tools, and enhanced properties, like Gmail, +1 button, and YouTube comments,etc.
You didnt hear it here first, but let it be said Google is the Grand Daddy of them all. Google + may only have half the users of Facebook, but it wields a much bigger sword. Highly recommended to include in your social plan, Google rewards you for using its vast array of free tools, ads, sites, and apps... so take advantage.

/ PINTEREST Organize, personalize, share and PIN, PIN PIN
She who dies with the most pins ...WINS!
Yes, "she"... Pinterest has a predominantly female user base, and it's loaded with pretty things and awesome imagery. But watch as the landscape changes over the next severeal months. Pinterest is a feast for the eyes, it is addicting. AND extremely viral. Pinterest allows users to 'pin' a favorite picture from a website, sort and store it on their own virtual bulletin board, edit the descriptions, all while keeping the original URL intact. (in theory, but there are workarounds! )
The PINTEREST mindset is sharing and saving. Its basically a better bookmark and it's all about the PIX!
Surprisingly stayed invitation only for a long while; it boasts the fastest 10 million users ever. it has also been reported as driving MORE traffic to small ecommerce and social sites than FB, Google and Linked-In combined!
Because of its extremely high rate of re-pins (shares/steals) simple format, its very viral and easy for people to find resources, and small ecommerce shops they never would have found otherwise.
Learn our PINTEREST secrets in our
PINNING and WINNING success guide.
Get your comprehensive guide to managing and growing your business on LINKED IN.